About us
The DadPad was developed and piloted by the team at Inspire Cornwall CIC in 2012. We are a Social Enterprise with no shareholders, putting any profit and feedback back into our products for the benefit of the new dads and their families. The DadPad was created because babies don’t come with a set of instructions, and dads told us they wanted important information on what to expect and how to care for their baby. We listened to what dads, their partners and professionals asked for and combined it all in this new DadPad for dads-to-be.
Help us to help dads-to-be get all the important information that they told us they needed to know: get one and use one, or gift one, then send us your feedback and help us add to the pad!

Inspire Cornwall CIC has, in the summer of 2017, secured a National Lottery-funded Awards for All grant. This will be used to help finance a pilot scheme of new DadPads which are currently being written in partnership with Professor Minesh Khashu, Lead Consultant Neonatologist at Poole Hospital, Dorset. These new DadPads will be provided to dads of new babies requiring treatment in two yet-to-be-selected Neonatal Units and it is hoped that, if successful, the scheme could then be rolled out to Neonatal Units across the country.

The Business Investment for Growth 2 initiative funded the DadPad’s marketing aspirations in 2017. European Regional Development Funds to the value of 45% of the project costs were been secured to help DadPad build an integrated marketing package, including eCommerce website design and build.
Inspire Cornwall CIC is receiving up to £6,048 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Department for Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund.