Ask DadPad, Health & Wellbeing
AskDadPad: Group Strep B
Posted on 16th July 2020
Over the coming months, we hope to be sharing with you information on some of the most common ‘medical terms’ that you might first learn about during pregnancy, birth and your baby’s first few months of life. We’ve decided to start this month with a look at Group Strep B – as it’s actually Group Strep B Awareness Month (#StrepB2020) in July! You’ll also find Group Strep B referred to as:
- Group B Streptococcus
- Group B Strep
- Strep B

Our aim, with each blog post, will be to produce infographics which will give you answers to the most common questions, together with links to good, reliable sources of further reading. We’re also hoping to include some more ‘real life’ detail, by talking to someone with first-hand experience of the issue in focus.
This time, we’ve spoken to one of our newest team members – Adam – about his experience of Strep B during his family’s second pregnancy (we’ll tell you more about Adam and his role at DadPad in a future blog post).
Hi Adam. Thank you for offering to share your story with us. How did you find out that your wife had Group Strep B?
We found out via a voicemail message from our midwife. Following the voicemail, we were yet to understand exactly what this was, as we’d both never heard of it before.

What was your reaction, as a dad-to-be?
We had already gone through some uncertainty with my wife’s first pregnancy and so, therefore, we were used to the regular appointments and the potential for hiccups. This, however, was an unknown and so we were immediately concerned. Up until this point, we had not received any warning or information, and this continued right up until two weeks before the birth. All we knew was that, in labour, my wife would receive some medication to help our baby.
So how did you find out more about Strep B?
We received a leaflet a few weeks after we’d been notified and were told not to worry. However, the leaflet contained little information. My wife and I researched our own information, from many sources, and this only added to the stress and uncertainty. Our immediate reaction to the stories left us very worried for what would or wouldn’t be.
What different treatment was your wife given during labour and birth, to deal with the Strep B situation?
My wife was induced and so we were made aware that she would be on an antibiotic drip for medication.

And what happened with baby, following delivery?
Following birth, they were both kept in for a further 12 hours, to ensure any checks could be carried out. Fortunately, our daughter Grace was absolutely fine. We were one of the lucky ones.

You can find more information on the symptoms of Group Strep B infection in babies via the GBSS website.
What advice would you have for other dads who find themselves in the same situation as you?
Educate yourself: if you don’t know – ask. If that person doesn’t help you, ask them for the name of a person or a place who will.
Be prepared: as dads, we often live up to the expectation that we’ll wait to be told what we do or don’t have to do. Do your own research, as better preparation now will only set you and your family up for the best start.
Communicate: always communicate – with both your partner and your midwife. You may know something that your partner doesn’t.
Thanks, Adam.
You can view all our information on Strep B here.
Don’t forget that, if you’re a new dad or a dad-to-be wanting more information on how to be the best dad that you can be – including all the essentials on first aid and home safety – you can download the DadPad app for free in certain areas of the country, and can also buy your own copy of the DadPad Essential Guide from our website.
Sources of further information:
NHS Group B Strep information page
Group B Strep Support website. You can download a copy of their leaflet on Group B Strep in babies, which contains further detail on lots of questions that you may have.
If you would like further information on how you could support the work of the Group B Strep Support charity, please visit their donations webpage.