Ask DadPad, Health & Wellbeing
Ask DadPad: Sepsis
Posted on 19th September 2020
Following on from our first health and wellbeing blog post back in July, this week we’re taking a look at sepsis – a very worrying and potentially deadly condition that can affect young and old alike.
We’ve picked this condition for our focus today as September is #SepsisAwarenessMonth and last Sunday was also #WorldSepsisAwarenessDay.

You can view all our information on sepsis here.
Don’t forget that, if you’re a new dad or a dad-to-be wanting more information on how to be the best dad that you can be – including all the essentials on first aid and home safety* – you can download the DadPad app for free in certain areas of the country, and can also buy your own copy of the DadPad Essential Guide from our website.
For further information:
The UK Sepsis Trust information page
NHS Healthier Together website sepsis information page
NHS Start4Life information on baby’s vaccinations and immunisations
We also recommend that you have a read of the excellent sepsis awareness blog post written by our friends at Mini First Aid and published on their website for World Sepsis Awareness Day 2020.
[NB. As always, these health and wellbeing posts are simply intended to raise awareness of important issues for new parents. If you have any worries regarding your baby or child’s health, always consult a medical professional and/or ring a dedicated medical support line – 999 for emergencies, and 111 for other urgent medical problems. Never be afraid to ‘bother’ your Health Visitor, GP, Accident and Emergency Department, the hotlines, etc if you have a concern – where your baby or child’s health is concerned, you can’t be too careful, and the health professionals will be happy to help, support and advise you.]
* Home safety info is currently only included within the app version.