Being a Dad, DadPad launches, Q&A
Q&A: Dad Matters South Warwickshire
Posted on 22nd March 2024
This week, we’ve been delighted to re-launch and move onto the new app platform our second DadPad app in the Midlands, this time across Warwickshire. The team at NHS South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust have been amazing advocates for DadPad and we’re delighted that we’ve been able to continue providing support to new and expectant dads in this county.
What’s even better in Warwickshire is that – as well as DadPad – local dads also have access to support from Dad Matters UK, which is a Home-Start project, aimed at dads with under 2s or expecting. Originally formed in the Greater Manchester area, Dad Matters teams are now popping up around the country.
We spoke primarily to Kieran from Dad Matters last summer, to find out more about Dad Matters (and you can read that blog post here). Today, though, we’re delighted to have had the chance to catch up with Abi Hall, who leads the Dad Matters project in Warwickshire…
Hi Abi. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today. Can you start, please, by giving us a bit of an overview of how Dad Matters got started in Warwickshire?
Dad Matters Warwickshire started in September 2022, as part of Home-Start South Warwickshire. The project was established thanks to a consortium of local charities, including Barnardo’s, The Parenting Project and By Your Side, as well as Home-Start South Warwickshire, with funding from the Social Impact Fund. This enabled Dad Matters Warwickshire to cover the whole county.
Moving into our second year, funding from Stratford Town Trust and The Charity of Thomas Oken and Nicholas Eyffler enabled us to continue our work in the south of the county. We are extremely grateful for all the funding we have received.
So, what sort of support does Dad Matters offer to dads across South Warwickshire?
Firstly, we don’t ask dads to reach out to us – we go to them.
This includes speaking to new dads at locations such as antenatal clinics, parent education classes and maternity wards.
We chat to dads about the three core pillars of Dad Matters:
- attachment and bonding;
- mental health; and
- signposting to services.
The reactions we get from dads when they understand that we are there to talk to them is wonderful! We receive a lot of positive feedback from dads who are happy to know they have support, should they need it.
We also have excellent working relationships with many health care professionals, such as Midwives and Health Visitors, and we have a wide knowledge of local services, to help dads source the best possible information for their needs.
We can offer one-to-one support for new dads that need it. These referrals come from various health professionals, as well as self-referrals directly from dads.

What about online support?
We have a Facebook page – Dad Matters South Warwickshire – which is a great way to get useful information, both about being a new dad and about local events that might be of interest to dads.
More details on Home-Start South Warwickshire and the work we do can be found here:
You also had plans to recruit volunteer supporters for your region. How’s that going?
We have recruited volunteers, who we call our ‘Dad Champions’, to provide support to local new dads. We are always looking for new volunteers, and are keen to hear from anyone who might like to be involved.
Tell us a bit about yourself – why and how did you get involved with this work?
As co-ordinator for Dad Matters South Warwickshire, I am a passionate advocate for dads. I’m a parent of two children and, seeing the journey my partner went on when becoming a dad fuelled me to get involved to make a difference. I am committed to make all dads in the area feel confident, happy and supported.
Establishing Dad Matters South Warwickshire has been a massive source of pride for me. The existence of the project has started conversations that have put the needs of dads within the county on the agenda. Talking to dads and seeing the way they react to being directly engaged with gives me an amazing sense of satisfaction in my role.
I am proud of the network that Dad Matters South Warwickshire has built with all our stakeholders. This is all with the goal to help dads have the best possible relationships within their family.
[Abi’s also written a more detailed post about her own situation and what inspired her to get involved with Dad Matters, which you can read here.]

Abi speaking at a recent Dad Matters event.
What’s coming up next for Dad Matters South Warwickshire?
On Saturday 13th April, we will be running our first New Dad Workshop at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, which is very exciting! There will be information on a mix of baby yoga and baby massage techniques, as well as a chance for local dads to connect.
We are also looking to start Walk and Talks, once the weather improves – hopefully soon! These events will give dads a chance to get out in the fresh air with their little ones, and have a chat with other new dads.
We’re also hoping to run some focus groups to speak to dads about their experiences and hear their suggestions and ideas. We would love to hear from anyone interested in getting involved in this.

Where to go to find out more:
To get in touch with Abi at Dad Matters South Warwickshire:
- Email:
- Call, Text or WhatsApp: 07783 426359